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Statement of the Presidents of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on Trilateral Economic Co-operation and Infrastructure Projects

The Presidents of Estiona, Latvia, and Lithuania met in Riga on 12 May 1998 in order to discuss issues of mutual interest for the three countries. Acknowledging the progress in the relations between the three Baltic States, the Presidents pointed to the following issues that deserve particular attention of the Governments of the three countries with a view of achieving consistent progress and tangible results.

The Presidents welcomed the smooth ratification process of the trilateral agreement on abolition of non-tariff barriers which has made it possible to enter into force by 1 July 1998.

Border permeability has to be increased sufficiently in order to achieving the commonly accepted goal of promoting free movement of labour force, capital, services, and goods within the developing common Baltic economic area in line with the EU internal market requirements. The Governments are encouraged to co-operate more closely in establishing joint border control posts and joint border crossing procedures.

More efforts have to be put in combating the threats originating from the organised crime, illegal migration, drug smuggling, and money laundering. The Governments are urged to co-ordinate their activities and develop an effective prevention mechanism. The establishment of the common Baltic Governmental Data Network should become a top priority.

The Via Baltic project as a major element of the European North - South Dimension has to maintain its principial status on the Baltic States Government's agenda as the one carrying pan-European importance by establishing a link between the North and South of Europe, and promoting the overall economic and social development in the region, including the infrastructures such as highways, pipelines, modern and unified railways and other projects.

Lennart Meri Guntis Ulmanis Valdas Adamkus
President of the President of the President of the
Republic of Estonia Republic of Latvia Republic of Lithuania

Riga, 12 May 1998

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